Blind Myself - Judgement 2021 dalokhu

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Blind Myself
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3883 alkalommal




Pontszám: 50


In the year of 2021 a new Investigating Organization has been found. Their objectives are to locate and uncover corruption, organized crime and high level fraud. The organization was formed by cloned humans.

Searching, finding, fighting, shooting, bleeding, screaming, screaming, screaming!
Driving, thinking, joking, beating, pushing, running, killing, killing, killing!
Paying, bribeing, hiding, climbing, trying, losing, shouting, shouting, shouting!

„No human took the risk, only me
To uncover high crime, against an army
No human took the pain
Going after them
And get them in chain”

Searching, finding, fighting, shooting, bleeding, screaming, screaming, screaming!
Driving, thinking, joking, beating, pushing, running, killing, killing, killing!
Paying, bribeing, hiding, climbing, trying, losing, shouting, shouting, shouting!

Now the time has come, you have no way to fly
Now the time has come, you have no chance to lie
You know it was your liability and crime
No exit, no escape your act was caught on tape

Judgement has come, you have no way to fly
Judgement has come, you have no chance to lie
You know it was your liability and crime
No exit, no escape your act was caught on tape

Dirty Guys
Lies of the lies
Game of spies
Watching Eyes

Too much pride
Door open wide
Never tried
Yet to hide

Greed and lust
Blood on the dust
I was just
Lacking trust

Now the time has come, you have no way to fly
Now the time has come, you have no chance to lie
You know it was your liability and crime
No exit, no escape your act was caught on tape

Judgement has come, you have no way to fly
Judgement has come, you have no chance to lie
You know it was your liability and crime
No exit, no escape your act was caught on tape

„I never thought of saying, took me long to realize
That humans aren’t brave beings, everyone lies
It is a war, clones vs. cowardice
Hypocracy - driving out dirty vice”

Searching, finding, fighting, shooting, bleeding, screaming, screaming, screaming!
Driving, thinking, joking, beating, pushing, running, killing, killing, killing!
Paying, bribeing, hiding, climbing, trying, losing, shouting, shouting, shouting!
Bribeing, cheating, lying, tricking, stealing, But Why, But Why, But Why?

I won’t fly! I won’t lie! I rather die!
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