Blind Myself - Worst-Case Scenario dalokhu

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Blind Myself
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 5062 alkalommal




Pontszám: 551


I wanna be the number one
The One out of a million
I wanna climb the highest peak
And get all the best critique

I wanna be the number one
The special and the chosen one
I wanna be the king of kings
To be the master of the strings

Worst-Case Scenario – Get yourself prepared and go
Worst-Case Scenario – Much anger you will swallow
Worst-Case Scenario – For a war, you need ammo
Worst-Case Scenario – Stay alert

Worst-Case Scenario – Get yourself prepared and go
Worst-Case Scenario – Much anger you will swallow
Worst-Case Scenario – For a war, you need ammo
Worst-Case Scenario – Stay alive

Hoping the best but getting the worst
Paying the debt - playing unrehearsed
Is it a test or is it a game?
Nevertheless, you’ll never
Be the same
Be the same

Worst-Case Scenario – Get yourself prepared and go
Worst-Case Scenario – Much anger you will swallow
Worst-Case Scenario – For a war, you need ammo
Worst-Case Scenario – Stay alert

I walk away now
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