High School Musical 2 - All For One

High School Musical 2 - Magyar Változat
Szövegírók: Nevil Robert S
Matthew Gerrard
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
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Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 22611 alkalommal




Pontszám: 10


The summer that we wanted,

Yeah, we finally got it!

Now's the time we get to share

Each day we'll be together

Now until forever,

So everybody, everywhere

Let's take it to the beach

[Troy, Chad, és Ryan]
Take it together

[Gabriella, Sharpay, és Taylor]
Let's celebrate today 'cause there'll never be another

[Troy, Chad, és Ryan]
We're stronger this time,
been there for each other

[Gabriella, Sharpay, és Taylor]
Everything's just right

Everybody all for one,
A real summer has just begun!
Let's rock and roll and just let go,
feel the rhythm of the drums
We're gonna have fun in the sun
Now that all the hard work, work is done!
Everybody, one for all and all for one!
All for one, one!

Summertime together,

Now we're even closer

That's the way it's meant to be

Oh, we're just getting started

Come and join the party

You deserve it, same as me

Let's take it to the beach

[Troy, Chad, and Ryan]
Take it together

[Gabriella, Sharpay, és Taylor]
Let's celebrate today 'cause there'll never be another

[Troy, Chad, és Ryan]
We're stronger this time,
been there for each other

[Gabriella, Sharpay, és Taylor]
Everything's just right

Everybody all for one,
A real summer has just begun!
Let's rock and roll and just let go,
feel the rhythm of the drums
We're gonna have fun in the sun
Now that all the hard work, work is done!
Everybody, one for all and all for one!
All for one, one!

Everybody up!

Everybody rock it!

Take it from the top!

And never ever stop it!

It's not about the future

It's not about the past

It's makin' every single day
Last and last and last!
Fun and sun'What could be better?

Let's have fun
Everyone together now!

Everybody, e-everybody now!
This is where our summer really begins
The very last time it's ever gonna be like this
It's the party you don't wanna miss!

Guys rise!
Show 'em we can make some moves, hey!

Show 'em we know how to groove, oh!


and now

Let's turn the party

[fiúk és lányok]
Everybody jump in!

Everybody all for one,
A real summer has just begun!
Let's rock and roll and just let go,
feel the rhythm of the drums
We're gonna have fun in the sun
Now that all the hard work, work is done!
Everybody, one for all, everybody all for one,
A real summer has just begun!
Let's rock and roll and just let go,
feel the rhythm of the drums
We're gonna have fun in the sun
Now that all the hard work, work is done!
Come on, everyone let's dance!
We can't let this moment pass!
Let's make this party last!
All for one!
All! For! One!
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