Anna & the Barbies - Brother And I video

Gyáva forradalmár
Előadó: Anna & the Barbies
Album: Gyáva forradalmár
Megjelenés: 2010
Hossz: 3:25
Szövegírók: Pásztor Anna
Pásztor Sámuel
Zeneszerzők: Pásztor Anna
Pásztor Sámuel
Kiadó: CLS Records
Stílus: Alternatív
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 3, összesen 10078 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


you need a guy, only one guy
to tear out his heart for you and die
you need that one, that speciall one
to tell you. it's allright!

you need a fried, who won't pretend
but he will be with you untill the end
you want him near, at times of fear
when you need a hand

but now your world is spinning
you keep on winning,
there ain't no stopping you now

and as your road is longer,
you're growing stronger
but you still feel it somehow:

you need a brother, like ain't no other
to last through all stormy weather
when the world is wrong, and you can't go on
you just write a song


you need a god, a god above
to thank for all that you've got
when night falls hard, and you're all alone
he'll guide you home

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