Anna & the Barbies - Don't Fit in video

Gyáva forradalmár
Előadó: Anna & the Barbies
Album: Gyáva forradalmár
Megjelenés: 2010
Hossz: 2:40
Szövegírók: Pásztor Anna
Pásztor Sámuel
Zeneszerzők: Pásztor Anna
Pásztor Sámuel
Kiadó: CLS Records
Stílus: Alternatív
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 13422 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


if you don't fit in, you know you never will
if you don't fit in, you know you never will

verse 1:
you can work in a bar, you won't get very far,
or just sit at the table, all willing an able,
live by the rules, learn to respect the fools,
you won't get very far try to hide who you are!

now you don't understand, why i'm mean as a man,
'cause to put on a skirt, i'm only ending up hurt.
lost one in a million, carma camelion,
as hard as you try, you will never fit in.

if you don't fit in, you know you never will
if you don't fit in, you know you never will

if you don't fit in, you know you never will
if you don't fit in, you know you never will

verse 2.
though jesus was dead, you believed in his comming,
and fought to arrive first, though noone was running,
when times were inpossible, you never said never,
but for being so clever, they burned you alive...

first hailed you, than failed you, betrayed you and jailed you,
than they nailed you to crosses, to watch you die...
"sometimes i feel i've got to....!"
thousands of endings, but forever beginn,
as hard as you try, you will never fit in!

if you don't fit in, you know you never will
if you don't fit in, you know you never will

if you don't fit in, you know you never will
if you don't fit in, you know you never will

sometimes i feel, i could learn to give in,
if there was a temple, where my soul could fit in,
yes i'd break bread and vine, of that one of a kind,
willingly take on the blame, if he'd give me an aim!!!

if you don't fit in, you know you never will
if you don't fit in, you know you never will

if you don't fit in, you know you never will
if you don't fit in, you know you never will

if you don't fit in, you know you never will
if you don't fit in, you know you never will

if you don't fit in, you know you never will
if you don't fit in, you know you never will

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Zeneszöveg hozzászólások

boci_holic Hozzászólás ideje: 2012-11-20 09:21:42

Utolsó bejelentkezés:
2014-05-28 15:32:27

Véleménye a(z) "Anna & the Barbies" előadó "Don't Fit in" c. dalszövegéről:

elhiszem, hogy magyar előadók de attól ez egy angol szám, valaki odavarázsolhatta volna a fordítást.

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