The Carbonfools - The Mirror video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: The Carbonfools
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 13673 alkalommal




Pontszám: 41


Dusk was fallin’
she was callin’
dusk were fallin’
so she was not there
Dusk was fallin’
she was callin’
dusk were fallin’
so she was not there

open your window
open your door
I need some fresh air to tell u some more
trust me babe and get the key
i ’ll be polite as a wolf can be
i’ve got some apples to sell u
i ve got some stories to tell u
uuuu how beautiful are u?
i brought this mirror to show u

and the mirror breaks
when i see my face on fire
and the mirror breaks
when the mirror sees your a liar

Dusk was fallin’
she was callin’
dusk were fallin’
so she was not there
Dusk was fallin’
she was callin’
dusk were fallin’
so she was not there

little pig little pig let me in
but not from my hairy chin chinny chin but not by the hair on my chin chinny chin
don’t wanna argue about this
so just let me in your miss missi miss
give me some drinks and get me high
i’m in love don’t ask me why!
Look at yourself in the mirror baby
Look at her her eyes are crazy

and the mirror breaks
when i see my face on fire
and the mirror breaks
when the mirror sees you’re a liar

good night my morning
good morning my knight
she said
good night my morning
good morning my knight
u dead!

and the mirror shows
’cause the mirror knows
things what u can’t hide
u can’t pretend this is the end
u can’t close your eyes
your eyes are spinning...

and the mirror breaks
when i see my face on fire
and the mirror breaks
when the mirror sees you’re a liar

good night my morning
good morning my knight
she said
good night my morning
good morning my knight
u dead!
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