The Carbonfools - So Tuff video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: The Carbonfools
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 7170 alkalommal




Pontszám: 325


All right
All the ladies, and the ladies in the house
Welcome to the rest of the guest
The band and myself

'Couse you and I
Just never worked out well
Even my mama said
That you should burn in hell (burning)
That you're the One
Who lies and treats me so
But it's hard to understand
But I still can't let you go

I did a hundred tricks
To blew your blues away
And I brought flowers too
But I still can't make you stay
And I fell on my knees
And pray, and pray, and pray
For you to have mercy on me
And name the day, the day

'Cose it's tuff, so tuff
That's enough

And I said that who are you
To treat me so dead mean
But it's kill me
When you knew my love's so clean
You knew you'd break my heart
And it's fallen to pieces of sparks
And then you've sucked my blood
And break my bones apart

'Couse it's tuff, so tuff
That's enough

You're my beauty , beauty queen ( queen)
Fire up my gasoline (line) (x2)

You're my... (x4)
Beauty, beauty, beauty queen (queen)
You're my... (x4)
Beauty queen... ye queen... ye

You're my beauty queen
Beauty, beauty queen
You're my beauty, beauty queen
Fire up my, my gasoline
You're my beauty... you're my beauty... you're my beauty queen
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