Jamie Winchester - Maze dalokhu video

The Cracks are Showing
Előadó: Jamie Winchester
Album: The Cracks are Showing
Megjelenés: 2009
Hossz: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Jamie Winchester
Zeneszerzők: Jamie Winchester
Kiadó: EMI Music Services
Stílus: pop rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 6217 alkalommal


Jamie Winchester

Jamie Winchester

Pontszám: 105


Nothing compares to this
Where did we find this dark abyss
You play the one who’s proud
And I’ll be the one who says the words out loud

Why can’t you hear my thoughts?
Why do my words get tied in knots?
Why do I make you cry?
Why do so many questions start with why?

Oh, love is a maze
When you’ve turned the wrong way
Said the worst you can say
And the curtain comes crashing down

How did we sink so low?
Where is the man you used to know?
There’s no safety on the ground
It’s easy to kick a friend when they are down

Oh, love is a maze
When you’ve turned the wrong way
Said the worst you can say
And the curtain comes crashing down

When you’re losing your place
Facing all you can face
And the curtain comes crashing down
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