Brains - Ladies Obsession dalokhu video

Refresh the style
Előadó: Brains
Album: Refresh the style
Megjelenés: 2011
Hossz: 4:05
Szövegírók: Mc Columbo
Deutsch Gábor
Varga Norbert
Kéri András
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Megadó Kiadó
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 10, összesen 30686 alkalommal




Pontszám: 7


All the ladies inna the frontline haffi wine your body and move,
Cau' this a special dedication.
Tell this to all the sweet ladies and to all the rest
From Hungary, Budapest.

This for all di raver' and all sound operator'
Better know what mi tell ya:
Girls are the wickedest, danger!

Ladies obsession,
That is who we are, it's so rational,
Get di conclusion,
Is it just comedy or a forbidden tragedy? × 2

Gyal, you so nice, alla di man dem realize,
Every night you come and find out how fi terrorize,
See your Coca-Cola shape body I man agonise
When take a seat front of me put your legs crosswise.
You're cute and sexy, like the moonrise,
Your body bubble and wine nonstop just like an enegizer,
Mi know seh your quality high like a Chrysler,
Mi nuh deal nah award, you are mi first prize.

This for all di raver' and all sound operator'
Better know what mi tell ya:
Girls are the wickedest, danger!

Ladies obsession,
That is who we are, it's so rational,
Get di conclusion,
Is it just comedy or a forbidden tragedy? × 2

I don't know wha gwaan the gyal able for magnetize,
Stick together like the glue for a whole night long ride,
Woman you so wild you want more than five,
Outspred your legs, bite your lips till mi dive.
You're cute and sexy, like the moonrise,
Your body bubble and wine nonstop just like an enegizer,
Mi know seh your quality high like a Chrysler,
Mi nuh deal nah award, you are mi first prize.

Brains come fi tell you straight..

This for all di raver' and all sound operator'
Better know what mi tell ya... × 2

Girls are the wickedest, danger!

Ladies obsession,
That is who we are, it's so rational,
Get di conclusion,
Is it just comedy or a forbidden tragedy? × 4
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