Brains - Joy To Share dalokhu video

Refresh the style
Előadó: Brains
Album: Refresh the style
Megjelenés: 2011
Hossz: 3:55
Szövegírók: Kéri András
Varga Norbert
Kéri András
Lukács Levente
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Megadó Kiadó
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 18824 alkalommal




Pontszám: 81


My flow my style my spirit and my profile
all of these things keep you high
that's why we're original you know we're

me and my crew up there will see you anywhere
so don't worry my friend we have much joy to

from the first time mi take the mic mi have
chaged a lot
from the first time mi want to be like others
inna spot
mi still work a lot and try to get to the top
and when mi reach it mi nah go let miself rot
now whole of the mcs take mi for a killa
dem know seh mi flow bad like the Godzilla
mi lyric and mi style sweet just like vanilla
mi lyric a the bomb mouth a the detonator

my flow my style my spirit and my profile
all of these things keep you high
that's why we're original you know we're

me and my crew up there will see you anywhere
so don't worry my friend we have much joy to

make you happy is a mission
was my very first ambition
so alla the boys alla di girls dem ready fi di
final cognition
this ah the new Brains edition
with many many old tradition
from drum and bass to jungle we bring di

now whole of the mcs take mi for a killa
dem know seh mi flow bad like the Godzilla
mi lyric and mi style sweet just like vanilla
mi lyric a the bomb mouth a the detonator
without you and your crew wi can't pass this
cause we sing what you feel tell your point of
we gwaan thing four thousands or even for two
cause we care bout that who are you?

me and my crew up there will see you anywhere
so don't worry my friend we have much joy to
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