Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra - System Connection video




Pontszám: 59


It's a system connection,
right through the nation.
Yes It's a system connection
all over the nation.
They are full of corruption
cause it's a system connection.
Yes it's a system connection
all over the nation.

The policeman connected to the soldierman.
And the soldierman connected to the judgeman.
And the judgeman connected to the taxman.
And the taxman connected to the lawyerman.
The lawyerman connected politican.
And politicanman connected to the government.
The government connected to each and everyone.
Yes it's connected to each and everyone.


When the policeman connected to the government.
And the soldierman connected to the government.
And the judgeman connected to the government.
Each of them connected to the government.

System connection yes me a sing !
System connection me a ...

When the policeman connected to the jury.
And the jury connected with the judge.
And the judgment connected to the government.
And the government connected to each and everyone.
The government connected to the media.
But they are never connected to the poor.
None of them connected to the people.
None of them connected with the people.

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