Turbo - Kingdom of Dust video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Turbo
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2218 alkalommal




Pontszám: 236 615


My kingdom was made of dust
I need to put myself together
Before the temple falls apart
Freedom is now a fairy tale
Wisdom has drained along the way...

Breathe in breathe out
Gotta give away all I've got
Fall down, stand up
Until I find you in the dark

As a ruler I failed in every way
Have lost my holy power
When the night led me astray
Now shadows are following my steps

Breathe in breathe out
Gotta give away all I've got
Fall down, stand up
Until I find you in the dark

Kingdom of dust
Will fall before dusk
Kingdom of dust
Forsaken trust
In my kingdom of dust

My kingdom was made of dust
I need to put myself together
Before the temple falls apart

Breathe in breathe out
Gotta give away all I've got
Fall down, stand up
Until I find you in the dark

Kingdom of dust
Will fall before dusk
Kingdom of dust
Forsaken trust
In my kingdom of dust
Kingdom of dust
Will fall before dusk
Kingdom of dust
Forsaken trust
In my kingdom of dust...

Circles of pain
Surrounding my head
I'll find the way back home
Through the mirror land
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