FlatBand - Polar//Bipolar video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: FlatBand
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3095 alkalommal


Sanders Catherine

Sanders Catherine

Pontszám: 12


If we step up,
we can make it out and save our climate.
If we get up,
we don't leave our mouth calmed and shouted.

War is peace,
Dead behind those eyes,
I refuse to see ignorance is strenght!
Take back to bliss of our life,
There's no new beginning,
We have to fight till we can.

We are the ones who stay strong while,
(Take the sun back)
The answers start to fall on our hands.
(Take back the answers from them!)
We are the ones who stay strong while,
(Take the sun back)
The answers start to fall on our hands.
(Take the sun back)

Why, I need to see all these things?
Who created this?
We all just ants in their plans
We can't win
You're wrong we must unite
Why you stand on a line?
While you're life fucking pass you by!

You drowning in oil

We are the ones who stay strong while,
(Take the sun back)
The answers start to fall on our hands.
(Take back the answers from them!)
We are the ones who stay strong while,
(Take the sun back)
The answers start to fall on our hands.
(Take the sun back)
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