Grand Mexican Warlock - Despise the Protagonist video

Előadó: Grand Mexican Warlock
Megjelenés: 2023
Hossz: 9:02
Szövegírók: Bodóczy Zoltán
Zeneszerzők: Szabó László (Grand Mexican Warlock)
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 501 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Oh, deep in the shadows - We despise
The protagonist - Too quick
So antagonistic - Web of lies
Innocence shattered - Like melted ice
I hold the mirror - And I find
Intertwined reflection - From scars
So misunderstood - Fake sparks
Betrayal's dance

Stakes are high
A tale of the darkness
The human soul's stronghold
So let me witness
The absolute threshold
For my redemption
A fight I cannot win
I lost all my faith

And I'm at The bottom of the sea
It looks like I'm suffocating
It's too late to change my faith
And I got into a vicious cycle
I'm at the bottom of the sea
It looks like I'm suffocating
It's too late to change my faith
And I got into a vicious cycle

Feelings ablaze
His wildfire is untamed
Yet fear gripped her heart
And leaving her maimed
Too swift were his strides
Emotions intense
In his fervent pursuit
Her defenses commenced

He moved with conviction
They marched in a hero's saint crusade
Too soon he professed feelings
His love's too deep for her
Too swift promises
Too much and intense were the gaze
In his avalanche of emotions
She got lost inside his maze

Too swift were his strides
Emotions intense
In his fervent pursuit
Her defenses commenced
Too swift promises
Too much and intense were the gaze
In his avalanche of emotions
She got lost inside his maze

Oh, deep in the shadows we despise
The protagonist too quick
So antagonistic web of lies
Innocence shattered like melted ice
I hold the mirror and I find
Intertwined reflection from scars
So misunderstood fake sparks
Betrayal's dance
Stakes are high

That would have been a miracle
But behind the facade
A truth untold
He realized, that's invisible
A weak leash, that makes her so uncontrolled

That would have been a miracle
But behind the facade
A truth untold
He realized, that's invisible
Lost in the chaos of his fervent spree
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