Neoton Família - Santa Maria (English) video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Neoton Família
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 21421 alkalommal


Lucas Kane

Lucas Kane

Pontszám: 12


Water and sky, the flagship is gonna take the lead
Take us, please, to the fairly land
That nobody knows
There is no more room, I've got all the man I need
Take us, please, to the tropic shores
Where coconuts grow

Sweet world of dreams, just a few weeks away
The sun is the guide, we must follow the ray
The sea rolls me there, to the coast of India
But we don't care if we discover America

Santa Maria
Santa Maria
Santa Maria
Santa Maria

Santa Maria

Here is the day, travel fever everywhere
Take us, please, to the fairy land
That nobody knows
Here is the day, lovely songs fill the air
Take us, Please, to the tropic shores
Where coconuts grow

The wind starts to blow, lets go, anchors aweigh
We will be away for so many a day
The sea rolls me there, to the coast of India
But we don't care if we discover America

Santa Maria
Santa Maria
Santa Maria
Santa Maria

The wind starts to blow, lets go, anchors aweigh
We will be away for so many a day
The sea rolls me there, to the coast of India
But we don't care if we discover America

Santa Maria
Santa Maria
Santa Maria
Santa Maria

Santa Maria!

Santa Maria
Santa Maria
Santa Maria
Santa Maria

Santa Maria!!

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