Ozone Mama - Gypsy Girl video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Ozone Mama
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 4, összesen 2360 alkalommal




Pontszám: 236 615


She was blown here by the wind,
had dark eyes of a sudden storm
A restless spirit she was dancin’ with the firelight
She held me spellbound, wrapped her wings around,
So tight..

She said she’d take my hand
and guide me home where we could be safe and sound
Winds were moaning in the night, empty voices all around
All my pain ’n worries gone as she was lying in my arms
Bare in her mesmerizing stare

Gypsy girl you fly so high
I feel your presence like the night
If only I could catch your light
It fades away, still it fades away

When I found it out too late she took my heart,
then she blew it away
Let my soul and spirit fly, I fell for her evil ways
A flower of jealous green, a poison ivy but twice as mean
With twisted thorns inside my head

Gypsy girl you fly so high
I feel your presence like the night
If only I could catch your light
It fades away, still it fades away

Gypsy girl you fly so high
I feel your presence like the night
If only I could catch your light

Jesus won't you hear my soul calling
Mother Mary won't you save me from falling
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