Ozone Mama - The Juggernaut video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Ozone Mama
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Takács József
Székely Márton
Gábor András
Tiszai Vivien
Zeneszerzők: Takács József
Székely Márton
Gábor András
Tiszai Vivien
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Rock n\' Roll, Hard Rock, Space Rock, Americana
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2870 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


„We know now that in the early years of the twentieth century
this world was being watched closely by intelligences greater than man's
and yet as mortal as his own.”

(Orson Welles – The War of the Worlds)

I was waking up and watched the moon go down on radiation day
An ancient place layered over my town in the cold light of day
I took a walk in the misty morning I felt something wasn’t right
Pink northern light like supernova blast shown on the hollow skies, hey

I saw a woman standin' on mountain top, sacred plant in her hand
She said I'll teach you how to create boy and how to destroy as well
Some kind of creature started lurkin' inside me kickstarted a chain reaction
Atomic clock is tickin' inside my head, keeps on tickin' till it’s set to explosion, come on
The tension is rising I’m a walking disaster, come on
(I’m) about to overpower till my head explodes, come on

I’m juggernaut, collider of two worlds
I’m the sole creator of the spinning universe
Spinning universe
Spinning universe
Spinning inside my head
Keeps on spinning

[Guitar Solo]

Soon I found myself back on the globe, chaos everywhere
Standing with a space shuttle waiting down by the river bed
With a massive force in my hands, a cruel voice inside my head
I tore down hills, I turned everything to stone, like monolithic wrecking ball, come on!

Ooh, I’m juggernaut, baby, collider of two worlds
I’m the sole creator of the spinning universe
Tripping down the path in front of me
Tearing down the path in front of me

Now it’s time to breathe..
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