Gerendás Péter - Angie

Kamaszkorom legszebb dala
Előadó: Gerendás Péter
Album: Kamaszkorom legszebb dala
Megjelenés: 2000
Hossz: 4:28
Szövegírók: Mick Jagger
Keith Richards
Jagger Michael Phillip
Richards Keith
Zeneszerzők: Mick Jagger
Keith Richards
Kiadó: Hungaroton
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: feldolgozás [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 3, összesen 3424 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Angie, Angie
When will those clouds all disappear?
Angie, Angie
Where will it lead us from here?
With no lovin' in our souls and no money in our coats
You can't say we're satisfied
But Angie, Angie
You can't say we never tried

Angie, you're beautiful
But ain't it time to say goodbye
Angie, I still love you baby
Remember all those nights we cried
All the dreams we held so close
Seemed to all go up on a smoke
Let me whisper in your ear
Angie, Angie
Where will it lead us from here? Yeah

Oh Angie don't you weep
All your kisses still taste sweet
I hate that sadness in your eyes
But Angie, ain't it time we say goodbye
With no lovin' in our souls and no money in our coats
You can't say we're satisfied
But Angie, I still love you baby
Everywhere I look I see your eyes
There ain't a woman that comes close to you
Come on baby dry your eyes
But Angie, Angie
Ain't it good to be alive

Angie, Angie, you can't say we never tried.
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