Ék zenekar - This Is The Time video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Ék zenekar
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2060 alkalommal




Pontszám: 236 615


Do you remember the days we spent together?
Do you remember the red wine’s taste?
Now close your eyes my darling
The hour hand does the work.
I will do the same and wait until you blur.

I can’t practice sadness, I can’t practice how to grieve
I can’t practice the moment, I can’t practice all the tears.
I can’t practice how to be nice and how to say goodbye.
I can’t practice how to sing the sweet lullaby.

Well thy will has been done, but I’m no Jesus Christ
And I won’t get a crown for standing by your side.
Now close your eyes, you up above, and let the clock do the work.
I will do the same and let you and this turn.

I can’t practice sadness, I can’t practice how to grieve
I can’t practice the moment, I can’t practice all the tears.
I can’t practice how to be nice and how to say goodbye.
I can’t practice how to sing the sweet lullaby.

This is the time!
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