Claudia - Beauty And The Beast

Előadó: Claudia
Album: Fire
Megjelenés: 2016
Hossz: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Claudia
Zeneszerzők: Claudia
Kiadó: Tom-Tom Records
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2588 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


He rode into her life
On a stallion.
She turned away and sighed,
Didn't welcome.

His face was scarred,
His skin was hard,
From the dragons he had fought.
She didn't see
What he could be,
It was love that he had sought.

Beauty and the Beast,
Someone missed the point, it seems.
His heart's so beautiful,
Prettiness, it means no more.

She wished for jewels
As a token.
He kept his words

He had no gold
The story's old,
Slaying dragons does not pay.
He rode away
Nothing to say,
But loyal he would stay.

Beauty and the Beast,
Someone missed the point, it seems.
His heart's so beautiful,
Prettiness, it means no more.

Is it you, is it me?
In the mirror there's one thing I can see,
Two naked hearts.

That is mine, yours' just fine,
Can you hear them beating? So sublime,
It's not a crime.

Beauty and the Beast,
Someone missed the point, it seems.
Your heart's so beautiful,
Prettiness, it means no more.

Beauty and the Beast,
Someone missed the point, it seems.
Your heart's so beautiful,
Prettiness, it means no more.
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