Antares - Too Bad, to Forgive

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Antares
Album: InSanity
Megjelenés: 2021
Hossz: 5:02
Szövegírók: Kolosai Ferenc "Fecó"
Zeneszerzők: Kolosai Ferenc "Fecó"
Kovács Botond "Boti"
Pap Dávid "Page"
Dér Dávid "Dér"
Kiadó: Szerzői kiadás
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 5, összesen 1639 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Please answer me
Cause I have some doubts
I hate myself
Cause I've trusted you, I wanted you, to become the sun 'n' destroy the clouds

I know it's hard
To be the one
Don't you hate yourself
cause you've made it worse, you've made a curse, 'n' in the end you'll be already gone

How can you breath after you speakin'
Cause what you say, don't have a meaning
Please tell me why it's always raining,
when you smile


You've arrived again
When you need a friend
No one will ever know that what you've meant, how you've spent, don't pretend, When things
won't go as planned,

We've lost our home
Cause you always moan
When you're needed the most, everything is closed, when you suppose to help us you're just
acting like a ghost

How can you breath after you speakin'
Cause what you say, don't have a meaning
Please tell me why it's always raining,
when you smile
your too bad to forgive

I believe in changing
Thank God the nature is always healing
but I still can't see the ending
because now
it's even harder to live

harder to live
harder to live
you're too bad to forgive
too bad to forgive

We know you work hard we know you work hard to make us work even harder
I think you've fucked up, I think you've fucked up cause you've made us even stronger
Don't be surprised, don't be surprised if you are dealing with confusion
We know you've worked hard, we know you've work hard to forget how to be a human

To forget how to be a human

How can you breath after you speakin'
Cause what you say, don't have a meaning
Please tell me why it's always raining,
when you smile
your too bad to forgive

I believe in changing
Thank God the nature is always healing
but I still can't see the ending
because now
because now
because now
because now
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