MC Columbo - Gangster Community video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: MC Columbo
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 7669 alkalommal




Pontszám: 25


a judgement a com dem cyaan run
we should nah deal with dem gun

di gunshot wha dem ah buss
from ashes to ashes an dust to dust
life around wi ah turn to muss
morality is over and commute with lust

mi nah waan nah gangster community
fi kill humanity
stop mortification and heal the people dem
youth dem as a unity
much opportunity
education ah di key dis ah word of wisdom

rocket lancher trigga button
mista gangster tell mi somtin
oo you turn dis why you rotten
think bout your children dem forgotten

you seh you earn the money fa ya fabily
but your fabily waan a perfect harmony
if you in trouble need a help you nah have nobody
gangsta nah cool and im cyan get symphaty

for lotta youth dem this jus a fashion
but this fashion fix pon them agression
one night i had a bad vision
one a dem youth ago press di red button
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