18 éven felülieknek

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The Biebers - Summer Love Ghost 18 éven felülieknek! video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: The Biebers
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1037 alkalommal




Pontszám: 15


Blood, tears, all night sex
Feelin like a pornstar never rest
Few days for festivals
never know yesterday where i was
Green grass, grocery
standing in the wind when the scent comes in
Hardcore temperature
your like a bunny who needs a predator

Summer love ghost
This is how we do girl
Summer love ghost
This is how we do babe
Summer love ghost
This is how we do girl
Summer love ghost
This is how we do babe

Kiss, touch, say goodbye
never meet again but no need to cry
hey girl you are my brace
the sun comes up don't leave a trace
I feel you are the best
but sorry girl it also means you are my ex
a hew day has arrived
the same shit again but a new bike to ride

Summer love ghost
This is how we do girl
Summer love ghost
This is how we do babe
Summer love ghost
This is how we do girl
Summer love ghost
This is how we do babe

Sun goes down on me
my heart needs your skin
we rush then we pray
tears dropped passed away
Dusk till dawn we dance
drinks hugs need no friends
clublights blindin me
your love sets me free

Come come on girl come come come babe
its the biebers gilr come come come on you
Come come on girl come come come babe
its the biebers gilr come come come on you

Summer love ghost
This is how we do girl
Summer love ghost
This is how we do babe
Summer love ghost
This is how we do girl
Summer love ghost
This is how we do babe

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
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