Brains - One in a million video

Stand Firm
Előadó: Brains
Album: Stand Firm
Megjelenés: 2015
Hossz: 4:13
Szövegírók: Varga Norbert
Kéri András
Lukács Levente
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Beats Hotel Records
Stílus: Drum & Bass
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 12144 alkalommal


Fodor Norbert

Fodor Norbert

Pontszám: 26


I know what is them purpose
it makes me so nervous
we step out dem circus
cause dem cannot fear us
I know what is them purpose
it makes me so nervous
we step out dem circus

believe that you are one in a million
don't give up your aim
just heat up the flame
yes you are one in a million
never be satisfied with just the minimum

you want me to bring inna fashion?
we nah live up to dem conception
swag? awsome? molly?
fuck that thing

trend kills stamp cause fashion is daemon
why should I look like an idiot she man
so many pretty girl without a reason
I don't want to change every month like the season

for everyday life I don't need a uniform
I wanna be strange like a bloodclot unicorn
word wants every guy like you to be norm
but you are somebody

I know what is them purpose
it makes me so nervous
we step out dem circus
cause dem cannot fear us
I know what is them purpose
it makes me so nervous
we step out dem circus

believe that you are one in a million
don't give up your aim
just heat up the flame
yes you are one in a million
never be satisfied with just the minimum

you want me to bring inna fashion?
we nah live up to dem conception
swag? awsome? molly?
fuck that thing

no more idol, no more clone
I don't care what the fuck is your phone
I don't care if you are so well known
and I don't care how's sitting on the throne

dem rule over us and globalise
many garish things what dem legalise
open your eyes you'd better realise
dem hate when you try to improvise

I know what is them purpose
it makes me so nervous
we step out dem circus
cause dem cannot fear us
I know what is them purpose
it makes me so nervous
we step out dem circus

believe that you are one in a million
don't give up your aim
just heat up the flame
yes you are one in a million
never be satisfied with just the minimum
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