The Carbonfools - Going Under video




Pontszám: -


Like it or not
But the world's going under
You’re on the spot
Let your voice be the thunder
Gotta be brave
Gotta face fate, it’s calling
Don’t you give up
You are not made for crawling

When did we become
So cynical and insecure
When all our minds are racing
Apathy is the cure

We have no end game
We’re well trained
To enjoy the pain that we endure

All we have is memories of the
Time before the flood
Even those we’re gonna lose as the
Lies poison our blood

Soon we’ll be beggin’
Beggin' our lord to drown us in the mud

Like it or not
But the world's going under
You’re on the spot
Let your voice be the thunder
Gotta be brave
Gotta face fate, it’s calling
Don’t you give up,
You are not made for crawling

Every little sneaky step they take
Infringes on our soul
It’s meant to keep us safe
So we accept this hellish hole

Leave the thinking
To leaders
Empty minds don’t need no thought control

Hello there beautiful world
I'm sorry, for leaving you behind
I wonder, beautiful world
Did you exist outside my mind

Like it or not
But the world's going under
You’re on the spot
Let your voice be the thunder
Gotta be brave
Gotta face fate, it’s calling
Don’t you give up,
You are not made for crawling
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