Project first.wave's GBM Songwriting Camps

Apply now and don’t miss this unique opportunity!


Project first.wave's GBM Songwriting Camps championing Gender Balanced Music (GBM) and emphasising diversity and inclusivity in production teams. The project’s goal is to amplify the voices of female and non-binary music producers in the music and entertainment sectors.


In the camp you'll have the opportunity to collaborate with international teammates from various cultures. Songs will be created by international teams with diverse cultural backgrounds, following predefined briefs from Schubert Music Library (SML). Our goal is to spotlight talent, release the tracks, and include them in the SML library.


We're Seeking:

- Female/Non-Binary Music Producers

- Vocalists & Songwriters of any gender




Straight to the Application Form:


Key Details:

- Upcoming Dates: 20-21 September 2023 & 2-3 October 2023

- Location: Online 

- Language: English

- Application Deadline: 25 September 2023


Further Details:

If your application is successful, our dedicated A&R team will reach out with further details. Once the camp concludes, we aim to release and feature the selected songs in Schubert Music's Library, which will also oversee subsequent processes. 


Don't miss this opportunity to collaborate and make a mark in the music industry!

Fotók: GMB Songwriting Camps

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