Heincz Gábor Biga - All right video

All right
Előadó: Heincz Gábor Biga
Album: All right
Megjelenés: 2016
Hossz: 03:47
Szövegírók: Csarnai Borbála
Zeneszerzők: Szabó Zoltán (Szabó Zé)
Heincz Gábor
Kiadó: Magneoton
Stílus: Pop
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3986 alkalommal




Pontszám: 45


You know what I mean, baby

I know that probably sometimes you want to cry
Landlord has kicked you out, and you feel empty inside
I know I know I know I know it can be tough
When you feel alone, and you can’t move on
You’re falling apart

There’s a chance in everyday
In yourself to make a change
To find miracles again
In you, in you

You can Choose your state of mind
What's the point of bringing yourself down, down, down, down, down
I's all gonna come together, Tune in to your life
Tune in to your life
So just go with the flow, got to let go
I feel that everything’s gon’ be allright

So what, you messed it up, and your boss is a big fat liar
In mistakes you can't be stuck cuz in you there's much more fire
I know i know i know i know there's a reason
Your in a constant change. You can't be the same
Start a new season

The better you feel 'bout yourself
The better life you're gonna get
There’s always another way
For you, for you

(You can) Choose your state of mind
What's the point of bringing yourself down, down, down, down, down
It's all gonna come together, Tune in to your life
Tune in to your life
So just go with the flow, got to let go
I feel that everything’s gon’ be allright

It's all gonna come together, come together, come together, Tune in to your life

How nice is, how nice is to live
How nice is, how nice is to live

So just go with the flow, got to let go
I feel that everything’s gon’ be allright yeah baby
So just, so-so-so just go with the flow, got to let go
I feel that everything’s gon’ be allright

So nice, so nice to live
You know what I mean honey

Just go with the flow, got to let go
When you’re up and you’re down and you’re going crazy
Go with the flow, got to let go
When you’re starting to feel (that) you’re falling lately
Go with the flow, got to let go
I feel that everything’s gon’ be all right
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