Koszi Janka - My Own Home video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Koszi Janka
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Csarnai Borbála
Zeneszerzők: Szabó Zoltán (Szabó Zé)
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Pop
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 5, összesen 3725 alkalommal




Pontszám: 2 023


How I could move forward was something that I had to learn along my way
But being afraid or in comfort, they ain’t no excuses for me to stay
When I was drifting over time, my life was still
But when I was ready to overturn, I got all the answers
Something inside me says

Won't look back in time
I just keep going on, leave past behind
Planning ahead all over again
Use my intuition, the power in me

I'm my own home
It's a little bit crazy
I'm feelin’ my heart, my heart is beatin’
Nobody can stop, stop me from being me
All I need is right inside of me

Imagine you wake up one morning and you know that something there is new
Inside you lives your favorite hero with its superpower too
What if that's not a dream story or fairytale
And you can just break through walls or fade or even fly away
So all I have to say

Won't look back in time
I just keep going on, leave past behind
Planning ahead all over again
Use my intuition, the power in me

I'm my own home
It's a little bit crazy
I'm feelin’ my heart, my heart is beatin’
Nobody can stop, stop me from being me
All I need is right inside of me
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