Kálmán Tamás - Daylight video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Kálmán Tamás
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Kálmán Tamás
Zeneszerzők: Kálmán Tamás
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Pop
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2116 alkalommal




Pontszám: 459


Our star’s behind the clouds
Nothing is the same tonight
Feel like i’ve got wings but i can fly
"So fine to know you’re right
good to here you by for now"
another night without you by my side

And i just keep on dreaming’
about you and me having
a love i’ve always wanted to find,
When it’s dark in here honey.
I need light and you are the sun

When daylight is gone
daylight is gone
daylight is gone
daylight is gone
daylight is gone

Clear night without the moon
empty darkness in this room
Nights are endless, days just passing by
So rough to say you’re right
How you’re glad that i don’t mind
Another night without you by my side

But i just keep on dreaming’
about you and me having
a love i’ve always wanted to find,
When it’s dark in here honey.
I need light and you are the sun

Like a lightning in storm through the night
Just give me a sing!
Like a shooting star show me
Where have you gone

I’m waiting for the day to turn my face into the sun
don’t now where you are
and i’m wondering why

Our star’s behind the clouds
Nothing is the same tonight

But i just keep on dreaming’
about you and me having
a love i’ve always wanted to find,
When it’s dark in here honey.
I need light and you are the sun

When daylight is gone
daylight is gone
daylight is gone
daylight is gone
daylight is gone

daylight is gone
Nothing is the same
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