Attila Talan - Hurricane

Előadó: Attila Talan
Album: TLN
Megjelenés: 2017
Hossz: 3:35
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: SilverHill
Stílus: Pop-Rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2034 alkalommal




Pontszám: 135


Welcome here, I’ve another plan
I have the beat and the audience
Here is a list what you’ve ever done
See you next when the morning comes

Spinning wind comes around
Rises up from the ground

Give another minute to the loneliness
Take it to the limit just to find yourself
Give another minute to the holiness
Do you wanna join to the hurricane?
Yeah tonight! Yeah tonight!
Yeah tonight! Yeah tonight!

Hear the voice hear the clapping hands
Your whole life is an evidence
Same old story every day
Take a chance in the morning gray

Disappear, or find a way
To be lost, or fly away

Give another minute to the loneliness
Take it to the limit just to find yourself
Give another minute to the holiness
Do you wanna join to the hurricane?
Yeah tonight! Yeah tonight!
Yeah tonight! Yeah tonight!

As it goes by as it goes my memories
comes around and round
Passing by faded lies
faded by my deepest scars

Take a deep breath on the ground
Jump up high and turn around (round, round)

Give another minute to the loneliness
Take it to the limit just to find yourself
Give another minute to the holiness
Do you wanna join to the hurricane?
Yeah tonight! Yeah tonight!
Yeah tonight! Yeah tonight!
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