Audioshake - Everything is in place (Kiderül)

Előadó: Audioshake
Album: Kiderül
Megjelenés: 2018
Hossz: 3:37
Szövegírók: Bella Levente
Zeneszerzők: Bella Levente
Kiadó: Szerzői kiadás
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2078 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


People sometimes get afraid
Thinkin there’s no chance,
But in the end, you always win
So you should not be scared.

The promising positive likelihood
Of probability
Cause all is well, when end is well.
You got the capabiltity

Everything is in its place
Just as seen from outer space
If you fight all of your demons
You’ll be the winner of your sweepstakes, ooo

The storm comes right to an end
Till then you’re gonna comprehend
How to fly into the blue skies,
Life will hand you out a great surprise, ooo.

You should not listen to anyone
Let there be no doubt
Just drive your way, straight ahead
The engine is in your heart.

There’s a beautiful secret waiting
for you at the end.
It’s wishpering it right through the walls.
You is your best friend

Everything is in its place
Just as seen from outer space
If you fight all of your demons
You’ll be the winner of your sweepstakes, ooo

The storm will soon come to an end
Till then you’re gonna comprehend
How to fly into the blue skies,
Life will hand you out a great surprise, ooo.
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