Gájer Bálint - Moves like Jagger video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Gájer Bálint
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Swing
Címkék: pozitív [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2039 alkalommal




Pontszám: 61


Just shoot for the stars
If it feels right
And aim for my heart
If you feel like
And take me away and make it OK
I swear I'll behave

You wanted control
So we waited
I put on a show
Now I make it
You say I'm a kid
My ego is big
I don't give a shit
And it goes like this

Take me by the tongue
And I'll know you
Kiss me 'til you're drunk
And I'll show you

All the moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger

I don't need to try to control you
Look into my eyes and I'll own you

With them moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger

[Verse 2:]
Maybe it's hard
When you feel like you're broken and scarred
Nothing feels right
But when you're with me
I'll make you believe
That I've got the key

So get in the car
We can ride it
Wherever you want
Get inside it
And you want to steer
But I'm shifting gears
I'll take it from here (Oh! Yeah yeah!)
And it goes like this (Uh)

Take me by the tongue
And I'll know you (Uh)
Kiss me 'til you're drunk
And I'll show you

All the moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger

I don't need to try to control you (Oh, yeah)
Look into my eyes and I'll own you

With them moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger (Yeah yeah)
I've got the moves like Jagger

And it goes like this

Take me by the tongue (Take me by the tongue)
And I'll know you
Kiss me 'til you're drunk
And I'll show you (Yeah yeah yeah!)

All the moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger
(Oh, yeah)
I don't need to try to control you
Look into my eyes and I'll own you

With them moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger
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