Gájer Bálint - Main attraction video

Swing\'N Pop
Előadó: Gájer Bálint
Album: Swing\'N Pop
Megjelenés: 2016
Hossz: 3:31
Szövegírók: Johnny K. Palmer
Zeneszerzők: Elek Norbert
Kiadó: Universal Music Hanglemezkiadó Kft.
Stílus: Swing
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 2396 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Shake it off and free your mind
The show is about to start
Just relax just try to unwind
I’m gonna do my part

Can you feel the pressure building up
Adrenalin in your blood
I know exactly what you really want
I know what you’ve been dreaming of

So here come the flames , here come the fireworks
Here come the sparks, we’ll make you bubble burst
So get ready, get ready for action
‘Cause this is the main attraction
Are you ready for action , we bring the main attraction
So get ready this could take your breath away

Get on the dance floor go with the flow,
I wanna see what you got
We’re gonna give you a hell of a show,
Were gonna make it hot

Can you feel the pressure building up
Adrenalin in your blood
I know exactly what you really want
I know what you’ve been dreaming of

So here come the flames,
Here come the fireworks
Here come the sparks ,
We’ll make you bubble burst
So get ready, get ready for action
‘Cause this is the main attraction ,
Are you ready for action,
We bring the main attraction
So get ready this could
Take your breath away

Take your breath away
Make you wanna stay

Here come the flames,
Here come the fireworks
Here come the sparks ,
We’ll make you bubble burst
So get ready, get ready for action
‘Cause this is the main attraction ,
Are you ready for action,
We bring the main attraction
So get ready this could
Take your breath away
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