MDC - FIVE – Edge of the night video

Edge of the night
Előadó: MDC
Album: Edge of the night
Megjelenés: 2016
Hossz: 0:00
Szövegírók: Kasai Jnofinn
Zeneszerzők: Bátori Miklós
Fehér Attila
Lapis Botond
Kiss Dániel
Kiadó: Whitesonic
Stílus: Pop-Rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3046 alkalommal




Pontszám: 236 615


It’s getting closer each time, to the line
The line that few ever cross, for a loss
By the way I feel I know that day is due
When every thought and every word I say to you
could be the reason for a long and lonely fight
or be the line between
what is wrong or right
I searched for you in my heart
So don’t you ever give in to the dark
Let nothing tear us apart

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

That sound that I wanna hear everyday
Closer and closer
Thats you make when you take my breath away
Tears on my shoulder
Til’ the end of the world I’m a gonna say
And I will and I will yes I will and I will
take you to the edge of the night
to make it alright

This road is battered and and burnt
As it were
beyound the point of return
to be sure
It’s a battle for truth not black or white
Within’ a war for the chance to see the light
A lil’ faith and confidence will do
that’s why my heart belongs to you

I searched for you in my heart
So don’t you ever give in to the dark
Let nothing tear us apart
(I searched for you in my heart)
(I searched for.. I.. I.. I.. I searched for)
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