Böbe - Die

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Böbe
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Szécsi Böbe
Zeneszerzők: Szécsi Böbe
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 816 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Glad I met this side of yourself
That I didn’t know
Hope you know the way that I felt
When I lost control

Oh this time I wanna die
You got me ten feet up high
Then you just dropped me into the ground
You never think of my side

Who do you think you are?
Turning my head, then walk out of the door
Who do you think you are?
Done with fighting, you make me wanna...
This time I wanna die
Wanna die
This time I wanna die
Wanna die

It’s a fact that you’re not gonna change
Waste of time for sure
You’ll never be the one for me
Oh I should’ve known

W ho do you think you are?
Turning my head, then walk out of the door
Who do you think you are?
Done with fighting, you make me wanna...
This time I wanna die
Wanna die
This time I wanna die
Wanna die

This time I wanna die
You got me ten feet up high
Oh I’m losing, losing my mind
You never think of my side

W ho do you think you are?
Turning my head, then walk out of the door
Who do you think you are?
Done with fighting, you make me wanna...
This time I wanna die
Wanna die
This time I wanna die
Wanna die
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