Songwriting Camps - Out of Control - Patocska Olivér, Anastasiia Montianu, Siejka Jeremi

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Songwriting Camps
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 659 alkalommal




Pontszám: -



It feels like the world keeps falling
the things that i cant control
its hard when your only human

The same but different
This way I’m leaving
So my ground is rising up
Between his water and his sun
My name is different
I crave same way
To shine for you like stars can’t shine at all
What is love ?


I saw you woke up in the trees
My body irritated let my dreams come
Really so true that’s like you do
Another eyes another heart beating
On the wood

Нені серце б’ється, очі карі як земля
Її не пускають, ой червона калина
Сонце вже сідає, та не може лиш вона
Одного кохати, одного усе життя


I’m gettin tired on the other side
Feelings aside, chemisty is over hyped
How could you tell if its atypical
No one to blame we’re out of control


We are made up its a concept
Nothing more and nothing less
Haevens broken we were fallin
And then stuck outside, over the margin


I’m gettin tired on the other side
Feelings aside, chemisty is over hyped
How could you tell if its atypical
No one to blame we’re out of control
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