Quimby - Make it double video

Jerrycan Dance
Előadó: Quimby
Album: Jerrycan Dance
Megjelenés: 1995
Hossz: 3:15
Szövegírók: Kiss Tibor (Quimby)
Varga Livius
Kiss Tibor
Zeneszerzők: Kiss Tibor (Quimby)
Varga Livius
Kiadó: PoliGram/3T
Stílus: Alternatív rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 15346 alkalommal




Pontszám: 7


It's time to get a bit crazy
This night is a devilish child
Come Lady, come get dizzy
Hey! Come with me honey rip this night

It's time to jump in a limousine
This time is brimming with life
It's a rush, you better get more kerosine
Come with me for a burning ride

Hey brother make it double!
'Cause who knows how long your can
Please don't ever mind the trouble
Just like me

This time I feel like Willy
Willy Shabby was a fatalist boy
When the end came he wasn't shilly shally
Hey! Come with me Willy boy just once more

Its time, go cross the river
Cross the Styx with the ferrymen's ship
The other world is just another bummer
If you pay at the devil's inn leave a tip

Hey brother make it double
'Cause who knows how long you can
Please don't ever mind the trouble
live a life that's worth to spend

You just never know what's coming
Squeeze out every drop you can
If the bad fate cuts your running
You'll always have your rest
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