Király Linda - Fast lane

Király Linda 1
Előadó: Király Linda
Album: Király Linda 1
Megjelenés: 2003
Hossz: 3:54
Szövegírók: Király Linda
Simon Stewart
Király Linda Patrícia
Stewart Simon Donovan
Zeneszerzők: Király Linda
Simon Stewart
Kiadó: King Music Management
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 3, összesen 15771 alkalommal




Pontszám: 8 838


1st gear, ease the gas,
take your time when you meet a girl.
Sit back, shift me slow,
we got all the time in the world.
2nd gear, gotta warm me up,
conversation is always good.
Don\'t just pay attention to my curves,
there\'s much more under the hood.

And if you wanna go ahead and take this further babe,
See, if you could be that special one
just don\'t
push to hard and overheat before it starts
I could take you for a ride.

I could take you to the fast lane
really want it you can catch me
shift your gears but
don\'t pass me
in the fast lane, fast lane.

3rd gear, now you can take controll,
just let me be your navigator
you just tell me what you want.
Now we are heatin\'
up and if you get me hot enough
I might just drop the top.

And if you wanna go ahead and take this further baby,
be that special one.
don\'t push to hard and overheat before it starts
I could take you for a ride.

I could take you to the fast lane
really want it you can catch me
shift your gears but don\'t
pass me
in the fast lane, fast lane.

\"Ladies and Gentlemen,
this race is for qualified drivers only.
The winners will recive a ride in
the fast lane with the lady of their choice
With only one rule for the fast lane, no passing Gentlemen!
Ladies always finish first!\"

And if you win then you should know,
that together we can go
wherever you want and leave our worlds behind,
and then
we\'ll spend the night together.

I could take you to the fast lane
really want it you can catch me
shift your gears but don\'t
pass me
in the fast lane, fast lane.

I could take you to the fast lane
really want it you can catch me
shift your gears but don\'t pass me
in the fast lane, fast lane.

Let\'s go, come
bounce, everybody bounce,
come on, let\'s go...
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