Jamie Winchester és Hrutka Róbert - One Way to Heaven dalokhu video

Album: nincs kép
Szövegírók: Jamie Winchester
Zeneszerzők: Hrutka Róbert
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: pop rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 11195 alkalommal




Pontszám: 26


She’s just play evil, she never smiles
She’ll eat you up and spit you out on the tiles
Her very presence explains a lot
If there’s a devil then there has to be God

And the distances in her eyes, to see her
Makes the coldest man alive a Believer

It’s the choice that I made
It’s the bed where I laid
It’s my loss, it’s my cross
It’s the trust she betrayed
It’s the pain that I need
I feel good on my knees
It’s this place, what a waste
I can taste this disease

You watch it happening, you watch your back
And at your weekest she will launch her attack
She’ll drive you crazy, she does it well
One way to heaven’s climbing straight up from hell

It’s the choice that I made
It’s the bed where I laid
It’s my loss, it’s my cross
It’s the trust she betrayed
It’s the pain that I need
I feel good on my knees
It’s this place, what a waste
I can taste this disease

And the distances in her eyes, to see her
Makes the coldest man alive a Believer
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