Jamie Winchester - The Cracks Are Showing dalokhu video

The Cracks are Showing
Előadó: Jamie Winchester
Album: The Cracks are Showing
Megjelenés: 2009
Hossz: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Jamie Winchester
Zeneszerzők: Jamie Winchester
Kiadó: EMI Music Services
Stílus: pop rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 7574 alkalommal




Pontszám: 42


Wake up, wake up, the cracks are showing
There's a fire in the bush, but you keep going
You put your plan in motion,
you reached across the sea, the ocean

Back up, back up, your mouths are foaming
There's blood on the ground but you keep homing
You pushed a dream and created some hell
Your leaders lie so you do it aswell
And you fight for your right to be
naughty or nice when you like
And then you sell the notion

What's up, what's up? The games are open
So lets just save all the banks, and keep on hoping
You take a moment and it lasts for a year
And all you're capable of causing is fear
And you fight for your right to be
naughty or nice when you like
And then you sell the notion

Wake up, wake up, the cracks are showing
So what's the plan, any more good ideas?
Another war that you can keep up for years?
And you fight for your right to be
naughty or nice when you like
And then you sell the notion
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