Anti Fitness Club - Why do I lie??? video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Anti Fitness Club
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Czutor Anett
Szabó Zoltán
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 20117 alkalommal




Pontszám: 128


Thousands of long-forgotten beautiful memories
Which slowly chokes me
If I finally stepped over it
It jerks me down to the depths

So many dreamless nights
Which struggled with the light
There's never an answer
Why, tell me why
You just laugh at me

I cover my face in order that you cannot see
That my eyes are tearful if you're embraced by someone else
But speechlessness is digesting and burning me

Gloomy face painted onto the sky
The only thing I can see is the moon
The bleak trees noticed too
That this is not the heaven

Where did that little star disappear to?
Why isn't it playing right now?
Probably it's covered by a cloud
Or it's already died out long ago

I cover my face in order that you cannot see
That my eyes are tearful if you're embraced by someone else
But speechlessness is digesting and burning me
If it hurts this bad

Why do I lie
That there's nothing that hurts me
That I'm gonna be fine without you too later on

If the knife is deep in
The heart is bleeding so badly
My mask doesn't protect, it's just a foolish decoration

Why do I lie
That what's waiting for me is more beautiful
That when I wake up, there'll be a new day dawning on me

How thick this fog is
The night's too long
I'm shivering and waiting for you to step closer

I cover my face but notice
That my eyes are tearful if you're embraced by someone else
But speechlessness is digesting and burning me
If it hurts this bad



If the knife is deep in
The heart is bleeding so badly
My mask doesn't protect, it's just a foolish decoration

Why do I lie
That what's waiting for me is more beautiful
That when I wake up, there'll be a new day dawning on me

How thick this fog is
The night's too long
I'm shivering and waiting for you to step closer

Why do I lie
That what's waiting for me is more beautiful
That when I wake up, there'll be a new day dawning on me

How thick this fog is
The night's too long
I'm shivering and waiting for you to step closer
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