Another Day - Springtime dalokhu

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Another Day
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3876 alkalommal




Pontszám: 15


It's a wonderful springtime
Sun gone higher
On the horizon-line
Weather's smiling on our heads
So sweet as it hugs me
Flowers are burning in red
The leaves are opening their eyes
To see how will sun
Grows the trees their houses
Flowers are spreading their wings
White and angel-like little
Sinless things

It's nice time, springtime
Come over to my house
I want to tell you my feelings about
Your job which I do relly like

It's a wonderful springtime
Sun is going higher and higher
On the horizon-line
Weather's smiling on our heads
So sweet as it hugs me
I'm glad to know that flowers are burning in red
And The leaves are opening their eyes
To see how will sun
Grow the trees their houses
Animals are waking up
Looking for some food
And make some love
There's no cloud on sky
Only the giant blueness
Around the blinking sun
Nature puts on her sunglasses
Leans back in a chair
Has a cocktail and relaxes
Thinking about where should she
Take the next plant or tree
Where should she now put the next seed

It's nice time, springtime
Come over to my house
I want to tell you my feelings about
Your job which I do relly like

Animals are waking up
Looking for some food
And make some love
There's no clouds on sky
Only the giant blueness
Around the blinking sun
Nature puts on her sunglasses
Leans back in a chair
Has a cocktail and relaxes
Thinking about where should she
Put the next seed take the next tree

It's nice time, springtime
Come over to my house
I want to tell you my feelings about
Your job which I do relly like
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