Insane - Daredevil In the Dark dalokhu

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Insane
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 4627 alkalommal




Pontszám: 46


There is a lot explantation
For hiding the wild mistakes
It is not about this
You should know it

Immoderate disgrace
Someone spit into my eyes I am humbled
You should know it

You can make fake worships
Sneaking on the ground singing arias
The song of the sweating breeze
Comes out from your sick face

It is not about this
You should know it

This is the great life in this modern age
live in the past instead in the deep dark
without rage

Rules are only kept there
Law of the nature locks me bare
Your money worth nothing
The wolf is the daredevil in the dark

It is not about this
You should know it

There is no more riffle no hunter
Saw or forest destruction
Oil spot on the sea
Litter hill on my heart
Hozzászólás írásához kérjük jelentkezz be!

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