Jamie Winchester - Broken Line dalokhu video

The Cracks are Showing
Előadó: Jamie Winchester
Album: The Cracks are Showing
Megjelenés: 2009
Hossz: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Jamie Winchester
Zeneszerzők: Jamie Winchester
Giret Gábor
Kiadó: EMI Music Services
Stílus: pop rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 5449 alkalommal


Jamie Winchester

Jamie Winchester

Pontszám: 105


Like a piece of driftwood in a stream
Laying on your back like you’re in a dream
Slowly losing hold of where you’ve been
And what you’ve seen.

Mama always helped you find your way
Daddy would appear when it’s time to pay
And you just let the details slip away, day by day
You took it way beyond the edge this time

Your path has turned into a broken line
This is what happens when the rot sets in
You wave goodbye to everything you could have been.

Can you still remember years ago,
You were so secure in the things you know?
But something made it’s way into your head
And you let go.

So lie and watch the clouds pass as you wait
Every single day is a day too late
‘Cos everyone can see you’re in no state
To take the weight
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