Jamie Winchester és Hrutka Róbert - Lost and FOUND dalokhu

Album: nincs kép
Szövegírók: Jamie Winchester
Winchester Jamie
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Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 8087 alkalommal


Jamie Winchester

Jamie Winchester

Pontszám: 105


Leaving on a train
Watch the land just roll on again

Oh, taking it all from me
Pulling me from where I want to be

Duty calls my name
I won't break the rules of this game

Oh, taking it all from me
Pulling me from where I want to be
Oh taking it all from me
And when I need dry land I get the sea

Pulled around inside
Find me a small hole and I'll hide

Oh, taking it all from me
Pulling me from where I want to be
Oh, taking it all away
But something has to change I start today
Yes today
Now there's only one thing this train needs to do

That's take me back to you
To you
Got my head turned around, need the place that I found with you
'Cos you are my day, the place that I pray when the dirt's coming down
The home of my heart, where everything starts
Where I've been lost and found
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