Compact Disco - Fly or Dive video

Előadó: Compact Disco
Album: Stereoid
Megjelenés: 2009
Hossz: 4:08
Szövegírók: Walkó Csaba
Lotfi Begi
Pál Gábor
Zeneszerzők: Walkó Csaba
Lotfi Begi
Pál Gábor
Kiadó: CLS Records
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 14605 alkalommal




Pontszám: 1


Verse 1.
Initially it was hard
and it's gonna hold you tight for life,
'coz when the tunes grab you hard
the rest won't be either very light,

When a melody starts to form,
The deadliest love affair is born,
You do what you gotta do,
But in the end you will fly or dive.

You feel like it's just like a ride
in the sky to envy it,
It can bring you praise or disgust,
so you got to remember now:

Music is hard love, but it's time to fly now, yeah - (it's time to fly now)
Music is hard love, but it's time to fly now, yeah - (it's time to fly)

Verse 3.
This is something you can't stop
even when really trying hard,
a burden that spans through time,
there's no judge here for you to discard

When a melody starts to form,
The deadliest love affair is born,
You do what you gotta do,
But in the end you will fly or dive.
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