Jamie Winchester - Damned video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Jamie Winchester
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Jamie Winchester
Winchester Jamie
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Acoustic
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 3, összesen 25355 alkalommal




Pontszám: 42


I packed my bags this morning
Without a word of warning
The cold of winter in my heart

As I walk away from you
The hardest thing I'll ever do
A world of memories falls apart

Forever and a day
I prayed for the answer
I dreamed of the light
A beautiful solution to make things right
But I´m damned if I stay here
I´m damned if I run away
And If you ever tried to see what
I showed you or hear what I say
I never would left you asleep where you lay
But I´m damned if I stay here
I´m damned if I run away

I know it was not easy
I know you tried to please me
I know you´re asking yourself : why ?

And maybe the problem's in me
I have no right to be happy
Always have to say goodbye

Forever and a day
I prayed for the answer
I dreamed of the light
A beautiful solution to make things right
But I´m damned if I stay here
I´m damned if I run away
And If you ever tried to see what
I showed you or hear what I say
I never would left you asleep where you lay
But I´m damned if I stay here
I´m damned if I run away

And now that my life is turning
Bridges burning ! Forgive me!
And one day we´ll all be older
Four-leaf clover
But now it's over !

I prayed for the answer
I dreamed of the light
A beautiful solution to make things right
But I'm damned if I stay here
I'm damned if I run away
And If you ever tried to see what
I showed you or hear what I say
I never would left you asleep where you lay
But I'm damned if I stay here
I'm damned if I run away

I'm damned if I stay here
I'm damned if I run away...
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