Omega - Break the chain (Minden könnycseppért kár) video

Előadó: Omega
Album: Transcendent
Megjelenés: 1996
Hossz: 6:47
Szövegírók: Edwin Balogh
Sztevanovity Dusán
Zeneszerzők: Presser Gábor
Kiadó: Hungaroton
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 9901 alkalommal




Pontszám: 60


He watched his father dying poor,
He knew for sure he wanted more,
But on the road to fortune he was blind,
He learnt his lesson all too will,
greed consumed his soul,
Leaving just an empty shell,
He was lost out of control.

Without a clue he reached the end,
And drugs became his closest friend,
He wants to quit but then he feels the pain,
He goes through hell a thousand times,
Until he’s out of tears,
In his head a big bell chimes,
And a whisper of wasted years.

Fly away from it all,
When you hear your nature call,
Don’t give in, fight the pain,
Cause you've got to break the chain,
If you find paradise,
And you’ve conquered all your lies,
Think of those, who remain,
Cause they couldn’t break the chain.

This young man brought down to his knees,
Left the world just like a breeze,
He was no king or someone you would know,
But I remember how we played
Together in the field,
We thought nothing ever could
Tear down our shield.

Fly away from it all,
When you hear your nature call,
Don’t give in, fight the pain,
Cause you've got to break the chain,
If you find paradise,
And you’ve conquered all your lies,
Think of those, who remain,
Cause they couldn’t break the chain.

Fly away from it all,
When you hear your nature call,
Don’t give in, fight the pain,
Cause you've got to break the chain,
If you find paradise,
And you’ve conquered all your lies,
Think of those, who remain,
Cause they never could break the chain.
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