Omega - High on the starway (Csillagok útján)

Skyrover (LP)
Előadó: Omega
Album: Skyrover (LP)
Megjelenés: 1978
Hossz: 4:52
Megtekintve: Ma 3, összesen 5372 alkalommal




Pontszám: 60


When I was starting out I knew it would be long
It ain’t no love story just a simple song
My hands were bound up by rings of cigar smoke
My mind was lost and tangled in a haze of dope

No chance tha someone could have turned and held me back
Stardust, groupies, high dreams: they didn’t bring me back
I knew that everybody had to pay a price
I just got nothing to lose: I don’t take no advice

High on the starway, high on the starway
No parking place ont he line
High ont he starway, high on the starway
You’ve got to match with the time

I’ve been to far-out places where you’ve never been
Near to the shining sun behind the golden screen
The sun’s glare will blind you, will blind your very eyes
You’d have to fight hard if you want the winner’s price

I’ll shake the stardust from my cold and weary feet
Go tread the milky way where many roads may meet
I’ll turn my sun-scarred face high up to the sky
The weight of planets is the reason I can’t fly.

High ont he starway, high on the starway
No parking place ont he line
High ont he starway, high on the starway
You’ve got to match with the time
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