Planet 55 - Nowadays dalokhu

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Planet 55
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3462 alkalommal




Pontszám: 146


In your mind smokestacks are workin'
and nerves are electric, and then you moan.

Your head's out of stone, the world is too hectic
can't take the speeds dictating, and then you moan.

You're walkin' through the valley of sins and crime,
you stick to them lies and you're hypnotised,
you think you got a clue about the game goes right,
by the end of the day you will give up, might.
We hope and we hope we don't give up faith.
where is the choice where there's no decision!
Ready for the only mission,
ready for the only mission.

In your mind smokestacks are workin'
and nerves are electric, and then you moan.

Your head's out of stone, the world is too hectic
can't take the speeds dictating, and then you moan.

Cockroaches everywhere eating the rest,
clear the decks, flex to the max,
on the street I see faces but where are the eyes,
the mirrors of the souls, empty bodies, working like dogs,
poor folks, slaves in our brave brand new world,
here and now, the end of hope,
gives no life, vegetating around,
coming hard, arriving nice,
with the smiles of the handholding beggars...
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